Our team is ready to understand you, your property and how to maximise your performance in today's market!
Imagine having a personal assistant for all things property. We provide unlimited support for all your investment property needs from maximising returns, staying legally compliant, managing bills and tenants and ensuring that you can keep building equity and cash flow while you live your life.
Detailed inspection reports every 4 months including photos and feedback. This allows you to have the piece of mind that your property is in good condition and can stay ahead of any maintenance and repairs.
Never over-pay for contractors again with quotes sourced internally and externally to ensure we keep ongoing costs low. We have our own contractors including electricians, plumbers, pest control, cleaning company etc.
A personalised plan of the property's current position and future projections through renovations. This will drive the rental income and equity growth for the motivated investor.
First week of every month, your personal property assistant will touch base about property performance, tenancy behaviour and review the wealth management plan to keep both parties accountable
The PropertyMe CRM system will allow both the owner complete access to the financial position, property repairs and correspondence of the property
YPJ are willing to cover the late fees of rent for up to 10 days so your mortgage is protected.
Our amazing referral system, discounts your management fee by 0.25% off every referral given that signs with us*)